Added April 3, 2020:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Martin County-owned boat ramps will be closed to recreational boating activities beginning Friday, April 3. At this time, licensed commercial fisherman will be permitted to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the boat ramps in Sandsprit Park. Commercial fisherman will be required to produce a copy of their commercial license, and/or a Martin County business tax receipt, to utilize the ramps. The Martin County Sheriff’s Office will be enforcing the closures.
TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Dealing with Impacts from COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses in Florida Vol.2 April 2, 2020 : CLICK HERE TO VIEW REPORT
… What is considered an essential business? CLICK HERE for a complete list
Visit Website: https://www.flchamber.com/essential-services-order-2/
… VOTE by mail request – CLICK HERE for Flyer / CLICK HERE to Visit Website
… Tangible Personal Property (TPP) Filing Extended – CLICK HERE for Flyer
Business Development Board of Martin County Link MC BIZHub to keep up with updates on COVID-19 and the impact on businesses.
Paycheck Protection Program – CLICK HERE to Visit Website
Florida’s Division of Emergency Management is seeking the assistance of Florida manufacturers and suppliers to fill the needs of Florida’s hospitals and emergency care services during the COVID-19 pandemic, including N95 masks, face shields and gowns. Vendors can register their company with the state’s procurement system known as MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) at the link below or they can call MFMP directly at 1-866-352-3776. https://vendor.myfloridamarketplace.com
Department of Revenue Extends March Sales Tax Due Dates for Adversely Affected Taxpayers
The Department has established a dedicated team to address tax-related questions and concerns via email at COVID19TAXHELP@FloridaRevenue.com.
For more information regarding the sales and use tax extended due date, visit the General Tax Administration Program COVID-19 webpage.
Cash Flow Considerations
A new report by the IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) Small Business Committee shares professional insights to help small businesses respond to the coronavirus emergency. With an emphasis on cash flow considerations, the report provides guidance on how small businesses can apply a three-step assess-build-communicate (ABC) recovery planning framework that includes:
A: Assess the current situation, preferably with a team of experts
B: Build a plan by brainstorming with your team of experts (and an alternative plan B if resources are available)
C: Communicate calmly, clearly, and continuously
Small Business Planning During COVID-9 – CLICK HERE FOR REPORT